About Me

The Fan
England 1966 to South Africa 2010 – the cycle goes on………
Having watched England’s disappointing exit at the hands of Portugal in the 2006 World Cup when on holiday in Cape Town I vowed to return four years later and support England all the way to the final. South Africa presents the perfect opportunity to follow a World Cup as I have family and friends there. I am also hopeful that England will do well; maybe I should know better! All that was left to decide was how to get there……
v The Athlete
I have always been sporty and while these interests were largely put on a back burner during the uni days, I still went for the occasional run and started doing a few races a couple of years ago. After being inspired by a number of mates to get into cycling I bought my first road bike at the start of 2008 and have been hooked on biking ever since. Swimming was something I avoided with a passion until my mate signed me up for an Olympic Tri in Spring 08. With 3 weeks to sort out my doggy paddle and get the appropriate gear the race was on. Despite a traumatic swim experience I recorded a time of 2.18 and haven’t looked back since…..
v The Naturalist
Having grown up in the depths of The Shire (Wilt) in an awesome little village called Ham (home to the infamous Indigo Palace) I have always been into wildlife. Much to the amusement of my city mates I work as an ecologist in the south west, spending most of my time catching newts and reptiles or poking around badger holes. I love to explore and see wildlife overseas but I am also conscious of the need to use sustainable forms of transport.......
The Result
A truly ridiculous sporting adventure across the globe.